Definition of Oyster drill

1. Noun. A type of snail, ''Urosalpinx cinerea'' (and others), that uses its eversible gland to soften its prey's shell, and then drill a hole in the shell to consume the oyster or other shellfish. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Oyster Drill

oyster Rockefeller
oyster agaric
oyster ball
oyster bank
oyster bar
oyster bed
oyster beds
oyster catcher
oyster crab
oyster cracker
oyster crackers
oyster dressing
oyster drill
oyster drills
oyster farm
oyster farms
oyster fish
oyster fungus
oyster mushroom
oyster mushrooms
oyster park
oyster plant
oyster sauce
oyster shell
oyster shooter
oyster stew
oyster stuffing

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